Governance Without a State? Policies and Politics in Areas of Limited Statehood Meets Positive Political Economy of Anarchy

A Review Essay

Originally published in The Review of Austrian Economics

Governance Without a State? examines governance in areas where states are absent, too weak, or unwilling to provide “governance by government”.

Governance Without a State? examines governance in areas where states are absent, too weak, or unwilling to provide “governance by government”. Governance as understood by the editor of the volume, Thomas Risse, stands for “institutionalized modes of social coordination to produce and implement collectively binding rules, or to provide collective goods”. Following the introduction by the editor, nine chapters explore various aspects of governance in situations where social cooperation does not take place in the shadow of a modern western democratic nation-state. As Risse highlights (p. 2), today and historically the modern nation-state of the western democratic variety has been the exception rather than the rule. To date, the vast majority of humans have not lived their lives in western-style democratic states.

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